TEMPE, Ariz. – December 27, 2010 – After having made #4 Best Place to Work on the Business Journal’s list (companies less than 50 employees) and having made the Business Journal’s top advertising agencies list, top web development firms list, and top interactive firms list, Zion & Zion has now been recognized once again by the Business Journal as the #1 PR Firm in Phoenix.  This coming on the heels of Zion & Zion being identified in an Arizona Foothills Magazine poll as the #1 Ad Agency, #1 PR Firm and the #1 Social Media Firm in the Valley; and earlier this year also identified by Ranking Arizona in the mid-sized category as the #5 Ad Agency in the state.

The Zion & Zion PR and social media team owes its success to its aggressive investment in PR and social media talent as well as headcount dedicated to the design and development of social media applications. Seehttps://www.zionandzion.com/phoenix-advertising-agency/ announcements from earlier this year regarding headcount additions in these key areas.

Zion & Zion CEO Aric Zion (@ariczion) stated, “Our firm has an unusual foundation in that our backgrounds include software development and marketing strategy, and we seem to have found that rare mix of left brain and right brain thinking, but without the administrative overhead that typically comes from trying to marry the two. Sitting around a single table, at any given time at Zion & Zion, you can find a PR person working on defining social media strategy for a client in conjunction with an applications developer, a graphic designer, an email marketing strategist and an MBA trained marketer. It’s an amazing combination of skills to throw at a project, all without having to have a burdensome management hierarchy to unite them.”

Zion & Zion COO DuGue Zion (@dzion) added, “It’s a lot to ask of our people to be so self sufficient and cross functional in their thinking, but they rise to the task every time.”

Zion & Zion Office Dog Jabhar (@JabharZZ) stuck his snout in, “Obviously the firm owes 95% of its success to me, and that’s why you’ll see me as the focus of the Zion & Zion ad in the Book of Lists, opposite the PR firm rankings. My meanderings around the office and willingness to let everyone here pet me, as well as my never ending outreach in the form of jumping on clients as they come through the door are but a few of my many contributions.”

About the Phoenix Business Journal
Phoenix Business Journal is owned by American City Business Journals of Charlotte, N.C. It publishes a weekly business newspaper, the annual Book of Lists and a business news website, phoenix.bizjournals.com, which is updated throughout the day.

